Team Measure Reports

Once the Key Contact or Data Entry participant has entered data on a particular Measure, this information becomes accessible for all team members in the Reports area of the Team Home page.

Viewing Team Measure Report

  1. From the Reports section of the Team Home page click on the Measure Reports link.

  2. The Measure Charts : Team Name page is displayed. A list of all the measures that the team is currently reporting on is displayed.  To jump to the graph and data results of a particular measure, click directly on the title of a measure.

  3. The graph and associated data table is displayed.

  4. To see the aggregate results for a measure, click the Show aggregate data for project measure check box and select a measure.

  5. The aggregate results for a measure displays the minimum, maximum, average_team and median results for the data.

  6. Selecting the Include custom measures this team has created check box will display the custom measures.

  7. If there is more than one series of data for a measure the graphs for each series would normally be shown separately, to combine all series as one graph select the Multiple series in one graph check box.

  8. The data is mapped to a single graph with a data line for each series.

  9. To print a copy of the measure charts, click the View Printable Version button.  The charts are displayed in a new browser window, use the browser print command to print the charts.

  10. To download the data for the measures click the Download Data button. The data may be opened (in a browser window) or saved and opened later in a spreadsheet application.