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This page shows the Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Drug Events Report from a specific organization or individual — including the project aim, goal, and a graph tracking improvement over time.
MHS Medication Triggers

Memorial Health System
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States


Aim: First attempt with triggers will address Medication triggers. High level aim is to develop preventive measures and reduce events. Details to follow once process is matured.

1 Opiate induced nausea (2); Sedation induced hypotension (1); Flagyl related ADR (1); Re-admit for Anticoag related hematoma (1). Other outcomes: promethazine use; pneumococcal vaccination compliance.
2 Antiemetic 4 doses during 2 day stay (1); blood loss hypotension (1). Other outcomes: Healthcare assoc UTI (1); Later readmit for GI Bleed, on lovenox and ASA.
3 Readmit with oversedation (1). Other outcomes: healthcare Associated Infections (3)- readmit for UTI (1) readmit for wound infection (1), acquired UTI (1)