Adding Choices

Once a Choice Group has been created, the next step is to add the choices.

Once choices have been added and the group has been used you should not delete them.

Adding Choices

  1. From the Choice Groups page click the Choices link adjacent to the appropriate group title.

  2. The Choices page is displayed.

  3. Enter the choice value in the  Name field.

  4. Enter the Description if required.

  5. The Value field is used if you are going to calculate the value of a response, for example, whether a participant selects Poor=2 or Good=4 etc. This allows you to calculate responses against targets e.g. requiring an average satisfaction score of >4.6.

  6. When all values have been added click the 4ADD button to add the choice to the group.

  7. Repeat until all choices have been added, by default each choice is added to the bottom of the list and will appear in the order displayed in the Choices page. To rearrange the choices use the up and down arrows adjacent to the choice value.

  8. If an option to add a free text value is required enter a choice Other or similar to the list. To see how this is applied see the Edit Choice Groups page.

  9. To change a choice click on the adjacent Edit link.

  10. To Delete a choice click on the adjacent Delete link.

  11. The Delete Choice page will be displayed, be certain that this value is not being used in any forms before deletion.

  12. Click the 4CONFIRM button to delete the choice.