Add a New Project Measure

If the measure required does not appear in the library then a new measure should be created.

Create a New Project Measure

  1. From the Measure Set-Up page click on the Add Measure to Project button.

  2. Click the Create New Measure button.

  3. The Create New Measure page is displayed.

  4. Select the Measure Type:

  5. Enter the Measure Name, this appears on data entry forms and reports.

  6. Enter the Measure Description, this will be displayed from the details link on the team's measures list as well as on the team's progress report.

  7. Enter the Reporting Start Date, this is the date you would like the teams to start reporting from.

  8. Enter the Chart End Date, by Default the chart on the data entry page will display all data entries plus the next few items (no data).

    The Project End Date can be selected to display the chart with all entered data and zero values for all items to the end of the project.

    Alternatively any Other Date may be entered to define the end date for the chart.

  9. Select the Reporting Frequency, it can be:

  10. Select the Measure Category, there are three options:

  11. Enter the Numerator Name, the label that will be displayed on data entry forms and reports.

  12. Enter the Numerator Description.

  13. Enter the Denominator Name, the label that will be displayed on data entry forms and reports.

  14. Enter the Denominator Description.

  15. Enter a Sampling Plan that teams might use for this measure.

  16. Enter a Text Goal for the measure if appropriate.

  17. Enter a Numeric Goal, this will be displayed as a goal line on the graph.

  18. In the Y-Axis Label field enter the text to appear for the Y-Axis.

  19. Specify the Y-Axis Increment value for the particular measure selected or allow to auto calculate based on the measure values entered.

  20. For the Y-Axis Calculation, leave this checked if you want the Min and Max values on the Y-Axis to be calculated based on the data. Otherwise uncheck this and manually enter the Min and Max values.

  21. To add the measure to the Library select the Library Information check box. Once added to the library other projects will be able to use this measure to report on.

  22. Check the topics that you want to add this measure to.

  23. Before saving you should Preview the measure to test that it displays as planned. Click here to see how to Preview a measure.

  24. Click the Save button.