Team Profile

Each team Key Contact, or Data Entry participant, must complete the Team Profile and record the Team Aim on Extranet.  

This only needs to be entered once unless the information needs to be revised.

Additionally an extended team profile may be required and this can differ on a project by project basis.

The extended team profile will be designed in the Administrators, Team Profile and Forms area of the Extranet.

Click here to learn how to create and manage the forms for the extended Team Profiles.

To Update the Team Profile

  1. From the Administration section of the Team Home page click on the Team Profile link.

  2. On the Edit Team page, confirm that the Team Name and Organization are correct, change as required.

  3. Enter the Team Bio.

  4. Change the Team Status if required.

  5. Complete all extended team profile fields as required.

  6. Click the 4SAVE button.